Shipping and Delivery

Shipping cost inside Muscat

Shipping Cost inside muscat is free if the order value is OMR 24 or more. In case the order value is less than OMR 24, Shipping cost is OMR2

What is the cost of shipping outside Oman?

It totally depends on the location of the customer. We have agreements with shipping companies who share with us the pricelist based on locations. The prices change continuously due to a lot of factors that affect shipping industry.

If shipping price is not given please share with us your location and we will assist you as per our final pricelist.

How long does it take to deliver an item in Oman

Normally inside Muscat it takes 2 working days. For outside Muscat it may take 3 to 4 days.

For international delivery it may take from 6 to 15 days.

In all cases, our team will communicate with you for more accurate information.

How can I know information about my order.

Once we receive the order we will send a confirmation email. And once the order is fulfilled we will send you an email with item tracking number so you can have full control of your shipment.

In case you did not receive any email, please contact us on